DENOMINATION: DARK CHOCOLATE (Cocoa: 61% minimum) with 38-40% of fats.

INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION: Cocoa paste 50,24%, Sugar 37,80%, Cocoa butter 11,44%, Emulsifier: Soia lecithin 0,50%. Vanilla extract 0,02%. "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS, LACTOSE AND DAIRY PROUCTS".

CONSERVATION CHARACTERISTICS: best before 30 months and stored in a cool, dry place.

NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: (avarage analysis for 100 g)

Energy                         kj        2374

Energy                         kcal      571

Protein                         g            7,2

Carbohidrates            g          43,7

Fat                                 g          39,1

Dietary fiber                 g            7,8

Sodium                         g            0,0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENOMINATION: WHITE CHOCOLATE with 34-36% of fats.

INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION: Sugar 36,08%, Cocoa butter 30,15, Milk powder 25,73%, Whey powder 7,54%. Emulsifier: Soia lecithin 0,50%. Vanilla extract 0,02%. "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS, LACTOSE AND DAIRY PROUCTS".

CONSERVATION CHARACTERISTICS: best before 18 months and stored in a cool, dry place.

NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: (avarage analysis for 100 g)

Energy                         kj        2400

Energy                         kcal      576

Protein                         g            8,2

Carbohidrates            g          51,3

Fat                                 g          37,5

Dietary fiber                 g            0,1

Sodium                         g            0,0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENOMINATION: GIANDUJA HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE  (Cocoa: 32% minimum) with 38-40% of fats.

INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION: Sugar 43,44%, Hazelnuts paste 24,02%, Cocoa butter 18,01%, Emulsifier: Soia lecithin 0,50%. Vanilla extract 0,02%. "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF TREE NUTS, LACTOSE AND DAIRY PROUCTS".

CONSERVATION CHARACTERISTICS: best before 22 months and stored in a cool, dry place.

NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: (avarage analysis for 100 g)

Energy                         kj        2499

Energy                         kcal      601

Protein                         g            5,6

Carbohidrates            g          47,8

Fat                                 g          44,1

Dietary fiber                 g            4,2

Sodium                         g            0,0


DENOMINATION: LOS PALMARITOS DOCG 75% - DARK CHOCOLATE (Cocoa: 75% minimum) with 43-45% of fats.

INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION: Cocoa paste 65,01%, Sugar 24,01%, Cocoa butter 10,50%, Emulsifier: Soia lecithin 0,45%. Vanilla extract 0,03%. "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS, LACTOSE AND DAIRY PROUCTS".

CONSERVATION CHARACTERISTICS: best before 30 months and stored in a cool, dry place.

NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: (avarage analysis for 100 g)

Energy                         kj        2481

Energy                         kcal      598

Protein                         g            9,2

Carbohidrates            g          31,9

Fat                                 g          46,0

Dietary fiber                 g          10,0

Sodium                         g            0,1


DENOMINATION: LOS VASQUEZ DOCG 75% - DARK CHOCOLATE (Cocoa: 75% minimum) with 43-45% of fats.

INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITION: Cocoa paste 65,01%, Sugar 24,01%, Cocoa butter 10,50%, Emulsifier: Soia lecithin 0,45%. Vanilla extract 0,03%. "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS, LACTOSE AND DAIRY PROUCTS".

CONSERVATION CHARACTERISTICS: best before 30 months and stored in a cool, dry place.

NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: (avarage analysis for 100 g)

Energy                         kj        2481

Energy                         kcal      598

Protein                         g            9,2

Carbohidrates            g          31,9

Fat                                 g          46,0

Dietary fiber                 g          10,0

Sodium                         g            0,1


Curiosities regarding the origins and the plantations of the famous Cru chocolate . We must remember that Cru signifies that the cocoa comes from one, well identified plantation whereas the Blend is a mixture coming from different plantations.
Plusia s.r.l. - Produzione e vendita cioccolato e cioccolatini personalizzati, lecca lecca e dolciumi, lavorazioni conto terzi.
via G. Galilei, 26-28 - 35030 Veggiano (Padova) - Italy - Tel. (+39) 049.900.45.39 - Codice Fiscale e Part. IVA: IT 02282330287 - REA PD219253

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