Personalized chocolates, Personalized Sugar lollipops and all the personalized confectionery by Plusia can be produced even in small quantities and at a reasonable price. An excellent solution for those who want to celebrate the birth of child, a wedding, an anniversary, a birthday, a party, a graduation etc. Clic here for further information and to find out how to place an order! Our products are ideal for favours, for place names, as a gift to say thank you, as an original idea to make all your special occasions truly memorable! Don't forget that we also produce candies and other kinds of personalized confectionery. |
Our products are a fun promotional idea. Our products can be customized with a company trade mark, with a publicity message or image. They can be used as welcome gifts for your clients, to advertise your company in a "delicious" way at trade fairs, conferences, business events etc. On request, other kinds of customization are also possible. Contact us for whatever particular need you may have! Clic here for further information regarding our products for companies and businesses. |
For all those professional confectioners, who prefer to make their own chocolates, Plusia provide pre-formed moulds, (neutral or decorated) and decorated chocotransferts. Your decorations are printed in edible food colouring with a cocoa butter base, using the silk screen technique. On request we make sheets of preformed moulds to make chocolates of specific sizes and formats. Visit the pages of our on-line catalogue with our products for professional pastry chefs: - Pre-formed moulds |
Plusia s.r.l.
via G. Galilei, 26-28 - 35030 Veggiano (PD)
Tel. (+39) 049.900.45.39
email: info@plusia.it ; P.E.C.: info@pec.plusia.it
C.F., Part. IVA : IT 02282330287 - REA PD219253
Iscrizione presso Ufficio Registro Imprese di Padova
Capitale sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

For Private Customers: we produce chocolates and lollipops, even in small quantities, with your images and messages of good wishes to brighten every special occasion.
For Companies and Businesses: we produce personalized confectionery with company logos, publicity images and messages, printed directly on the chocolate or sugar surface: ideal as gift ideas for clients, as promotional gadgets at trade fairs, and events such as exhibitions, conferences, congresses etc.
For work on behalf of Third Parties: we offer creative solutions in the realization of specific and exclusive lines for the production of chocolate and confectionery.
We produce, on request, personalized lollipops and chocolates for Private Customers, for Businesses and for Third parties. We are specialized in the production of articles in sugar and chocolate for favours, gift ideas, confectionery compositions, giant lollipops, lollipops for parties, Easter Eggs, pralines, chocolate and chocolates etc. All our products may be personalized. The careful choice of ingredients and the constant renewal of the production line are a guarantee of the finest quality and techniques of Italian manufacture.