We realize for you nice favors for all occasions.

This original bag of tulle with confetti, packed with elegant satin bow and with a nice sugar candy that serves as a personalized note, is an example of the imagination to create which Plusia gives in all its products.

It can also be used for favors of Communion, Confirmation and Degree. Ask for a free quote!

Plusia realizes favors funny and original, and customizable for wedding, baptism, communion and confirmation. As this example of tulle bag with sugared almonds and sugar candy customized as gift tag, in place of the traditional note.
Plusia s.r.l. - Produzione e vendita cioccolato e cioccolatini personalizzati, lecca lecca e dolciumi, lavorazioni conto terzi.
via G. Galilei, 26-28 - 35030 Veggiano (Padova) - Italy - Tel. (+39) 049.900.45.39 - Codice Fiscale e Part. IVA: IT 02282330287 - REA PD219253

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